Appreciation of Khorasan Razavi’s top brands

Appreciation of Khorasan Razavi’s top brands

6th Branding Conference held by the industry association of Khorasan Razavi’s managers for creating competition, testing the national products, showing international and national findings, and appreciating of the top brands in Mashhad’s Sapkoy Building.

At this conference, Samed Industry Manufacturing Company (Mashhad Adhesive) was nominated and appreciated as a top brand.

“We are following a competition between branding units to progress in employment and national production”. Asna Ashary, vice-chairman of industry association managers said. 

At this conference, there were some of the craftsmen and economic officials of the private sector as well as senior government officials. Craftsmen and businessmen spoke about training workshops in the field of brand and branding. The fields of these training workshops were about:

The most important key factors in developing business are business patterns of the successful brands, managing the knowledge and intellectual capital and role of them in developing business, success secrets of international brands, and mental models in developing business.

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